Privacy Policy

Personal Data to be collected. We will collect the following types of Personal Data in providing our Services. If you do not provide certain types of information such as your full namee-mail address and your hotel’s name, which needs to be registered for using our Services, you may not be able to use all or a part of our Services.

The use of any details you provide us are for contact or booking purposes only.

We will never sell, rent or share your personal information with a 3rd party, especially your email addresses and phone numbers, without your express permission, unless required by law.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

The refunds for booked trips will be paid out as following.

( 1 )  More than 14 days before starting the trip. It will be 100% refundable.
( 2 )  More than 7 days before starting the trip. It will be 50% refundable.
( 3 )  Less than 7 days before starting the trip. It will be no refund.